Different methods of Inter-rater reliability Inter-rater reliability is used to assess the degree to which different raters...
One of the best ways to improve your programming/coding skills is by practicing with replication code. Luckily,...
Hierarchical regression (also known as sequential regression or nested regression) is a method for building regression models...
Stata has features for analyzing Structural Equation Models (e.g., sem, gsem, or sembuilder), but some advanced analyses...
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In the previous post, we learned how easy it is to map a map of the United...
Stata is probably not the best statistical software for geospatial analysis (yes, there are more tools in...
Understanding the measures of segregation If you are viewing this post, you may be interested in creating...
In this post, I would love to introduce several ways to export the tables in STATA into...
Exciting news for Stata nerd! There is a package for retrieving the American Community Survey datasets not...