[Productivity] Webinar note-taking with Video Notebook and Notion

As the era of webinars has opened due to the pandemic, I take at least one webinar a week from multiple institutions and centers of my interest. The webinar is also a networking opportunity, and it’s so nice to hear about why the authors of the papers chose this topic and what realistic limitations/reasons they used the methodological approaches πŸ™‚

The problem is that you listen to the webinar and don’t take notes, so you feel that the information disappears. Of course, the information will remain in the corner of your brain, but I thought archiving would be much better in the long run. In this post, I would love to introduce two tools (Video Notebook and Notion) for taking notes on webinars!

Step 1: Capture with Video Notebook + Take Notes

Note-taking and learning with Video Notebook - tutorial
  • Video Notebook automatically generates AI notes whenever you take a screenshot, save a slide, or add a bookmark. The AI note summarizes what the speaker said at that time.. Watch the video above to understand how it works/is used easily!
  • Both Chrome extension and Desktop program (still only Windows) are provided. I use the Chrome extension when viewing on a web browser such as YouTube and the Desktop program when listening to a webinar with Zoom.

How to use Video Notebook

Even though Video Notebook is an intuitive application, so you would be okay to use it, here is the how-to-guide for someone unfamiliar with it. This tool helps automate capture.

Step 2: Save it to the Notion Database

  • After capturing the webinar PPT slides and taking notes of them, it is good to organize the notes in the Notion Database for future reference.
  • I created a Webinar notes page as above and made a DB of the webinar date / title / tag / summary using Save to Notion extension.
  • The following is how to import notes on Video Notebook -> Notion DB. First, you need to import the notes written in the Video Notebook into Notion. If you click Download at the bottom of the Video Notebook, you will be given four options as shown above, among which you can choose the Markdown file (cloud images) option.
  • Then, click import at the top of the Notion Webinar notes page! Then import options appear as above, and you can click Text & Markdown to import the file exported from Slide above.
  • All you have to do is insert the note into the DB and designate a tag πŸ™‚ You can just drag and drop it into the Database.

  • April 16, 2023