
Welcome to my website!  I am Nari Yoo, a PhD Candidate in the Silver School of Social Work at New York University. As a lifelong blogger from South Korea (with 2 million visits), I use this website to share tips and strategies I learned in graduate school.


My research broadly focuses on the following areas: (1) macro- and meso-level factors influencing mental health disparities and service use among immigrant and ethnic minority communities, including structural and cultural racism; (2) the role of technology in improving mental health service access and delivery for the marginalized communities, and (3) application of data science methods to social work and mental health services research.

My first-authored papers have been published in journals such as Psychiatric Services, Social Science & Medicine, Journal of Affective Disorders, and Digital Health. My dissertation research has been awarded and funded by Grand Challenges for Social Work, American Psychological Association, and NYU Migration Network. I have received national awards and scholarships in Korea from Migration Research and Training Centre, Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Education.

My methodological interests include multilevel modeling, geospatial analyses, and computational social science approaches to social work research, such as using natural language processing and big administrative data sources. At NYU, I was appointed an inaugural predoctoral fellow at the Constance and Martin Silver Center on Data Science and Social Equity. I was an organizer of the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS)-NYU Silver with the theme of data science for social good. 

Please refer to my curriculum vitae for professional information and my bio page for more personal information 🙂

** I am on the academic job market for the 2024-2025 academic year seeking tenure-track social work (or adjacent fields) faculty positions & postdocs. Please find my research and teaching page for more information.